Press Clipping
Issue Project Room Ten Year Anniversary series continues

The Issue Project Room's space at 22 Boerum Place, located inside an 87-year-old former Elks Club headquarters, is one of the cooler venues in the city. The intimate room, originally designed for chamber music, is especially ideal for the sort of heady soundscapes and textural improvised music often booked there.
Issue continues to celebrate its tenth birthday with a two-month-long series of worthwhile shows that runs through October 26. Catch composer/accordionist/electronic-music-pioneer Pauline Oliveros presenting large-ensemble piece Primordial Lift tonight (9/14). Coming up, acts include guitarist Elliott Sharp (Sept 26), multi-instrumentalist Oren Ambarchi (Oct 3), avant-garde saxist Ken Vandermark and trumpeter Nate Wooley (Oct 4), and Harry Pussy cofounder/out-there acoustic guitarist Bill Orcutt (Oct 5, hear a track from his forthcoming record below).